Why All Your Dreams Will Come True
why all your dreams will come true
by Leo Lukaszevicz
Close your eyes and imagine your perfect life: Perhaps this includes a dream job or a dream car? Maybe it includes a perfect relationship or closure with a friend? Invision everything you want, including physical assets and mental aspirations.
Now, take a step back. Perhaps from a new perspective, your dreams are not so intangible or abstract. To me, our dreams are merely goals we set for ourselves, and goals are meant to be met, and achieved, and exceeded.
We must express our dreams as measurable goals. The first step is to break your dream down into smaller tasks. Your dream may seem unattainable and daunting, but your goal does not have to be. If I want my dream job, I need to first identify what small steps are necessary to get there. Connections? Experience? Work ethic? Choose one of these small steps and create a goal.
If I want the dream job, I know I'll need previous, relevant job experience in order to apply for the position. So, I am going to make a goal in order to achieve this. Completing a goal may not get you directly to your dream; however, it will bring you closer.
There is an acronym that creates an easy outline for a strong and reliable goal. It’s called a “S.M.A.R.T. goal.” This stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Based. These pillars help make your goal obtainable for your own schedule and lifestyle.
Build your goal from the ground up. The first step is to be SPECIFIC. What is it that you want and how? If my dream job was to be a movie producer, I would want to get a relevant job position in the entertainment industry in order to gain experience. Through this position, I would then (slowly but surely) rise up the corporate ladder, eventually becoming a well-rounded candidate for my dream job as a movie producer.
The second step is to make the goal MEASURABLE. Include a number in your goal. How will you know you reached your goal? An example of this is, “I will apply to ten jobs and keep a spreadsheet of jobs I apply for.”
The third step is to make the goal ACHIEVABLE. Is this goal reasonable for your schedule? If not, make it smaller. An example of making a goal achievable would look like, “I have time this weekend to look for jobs, as well as time on Monday to apply for them. I have family and friends who will ask about my progress and will hold me accountable.”
The next step is to make the goal RELEVANT. Why are you creating the goal? For the dream job, it will allow me to get closer to the job I have always wanted.
The last step is to make your goal TIME-BOUND. When will you get this goal done? When will you reevaluate your goal if you do not achieve it? For a dream job, I will apply to jobs on Monday, and will apply to more if I do not hear back in two weeks.
Writing out your answers is a good way to get a full understanding of what you truly want and if the goal is accessible for your timeline and lifestyle. In the case of a dream job, my final goal would sound like, “On Monday, I will apply for ten jobs in the entertainment industry and if I do not hear back in two weeks, I will apply for ten more.”
This goal is not as broad as “I want to get my dream job.” This goal is how I am going to get my dream job. It makes my dream attainable AND even easier to envision in my future.
Once you set a goal, it's important to stay committed until you achieve your objective. There are two main ways to find motivation in your everyday life, extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation includes external forces pushing you to achieve your goal. Examples include getting paid for a job or getting a good grade in class. Although extrinsic motivations are important and a good way to be held accountable, it is sometimes not effective due to the emotional stress and larger-scale repercussions that come from not finishing a task.
This is why intrinsic motivations are important. These are motivations that come from within your own mind and heart. Why are you trying to achieve this goal? Why is it meaningful? Writing down your intrinsic motivations alone with your goals is a great way to see why this goal is important beyond the tangible or visual rewards.
Reminding yourself of these reasons when you do not feel excited or inspired to complete a task one day is a good way to find meaningful, personal, importance to push yourself. If you are going after a dream job, extrinsic motivation would be its high pay and status. Intrinsic motivation would be accomplishing a lifelong dream.
You are closer to making your dreams come true than you think. It only takes three steps: breaking down your dreams into smaller tasks, creating S.M.A.R.T. goals, and finding extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. One task at a time and you will be checking off your list of dreams one by one. Remember this takes time and requires patience and persistence, but it is not impossible. You now have the power to accomplish anything your heart desires.
I'll see you next week, but in the meantime, be kind to yourself,
Photograph: Pinterest