Did I Really Dream That?

We’ve all had the experience of waking up the next morning trying to figure out what the meaning of our dream was. Searching through google page after page filling our brains with millions of answers that often still have no response to the real question. Why did I dream that? 

Most people worry about having sex dreams and what they mean. Whether they dreamt of being with a partner of the same sex, multiple partners, or even one of their college professors, sex dreams bring a lot of stressors to people who experience them. Especially those who experience wet dreams and sleep orgasms. 

Art by Rebekah Czukoski

Art by Rebekah Czukoski

Psychologist and clinical director at Private Therapy Clinic Dr. Becky Spelman says “Sex dreams are often pleasurable at the time of having the dream, only to become cringe-worthy and embarrassing when we wake up because so often people dream about having, and enjoying, sex with people they have no erotic interest in real life.” Some dreams even include things we wouldn't normally do. 

Sex with a stranger or someone you aren’t typically around might signify that your libido is high and you’re not getting your needs met. 

If you dream that you’re having sex with one of your exes it might mean that there is still an unresolved problem within you or that you are adjusting to a new partner. 

Dreams involving BDSM (bondage, discipline, sadism, and masochism) “This dream may mean that you had an overbearing mother or father, and you are familiarly tantalized by the idea of being tied up and overcome by a love object (person),” explains Dr. Fran Walfish, a Beverly Hills family and relationship psychotherapist.  

Oral sex dreams often signify that you share that you think its disgusting and not for you yet you secretly desire it.

The one dream that most people dread includes having sex with the same gender if they identify as heterosexual or having sex with another gender if they identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. However, these dreams are normal! It often signifies that you are trying to emulate the person you are having sex with. 

If you identify as a heterosexual female and dream of having sex with another female, it might just mean you love females, and not even in a sexual way! You might just have to tell your roommate you love and appreciate her.

There are many other sexual dreams people can have and although you can often find some googled meaning of what they can possibly mean, they can often mean nothing serious or important. 

Dreams are your subconscious working through parts of you that you don’t always understand or need to understand. Conflicted feelings around sex in a dream are most likely signaling an area where we are ready to heal and grow. Rather than feeling spooked from waking up relaxed from a sleep orgasm, unpack it or let it go. Dreaming is normal and sex dreams don’t mean you’re weird or there is something wrong. Take a deep breath and embrace them. 

Marianna Poletti Reyes