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Using YouTube To Change Your Life

YouTube has always been about discovering the new. As one of the last great internet inventions that doesn’t require a paid subscription or login, it has long been the favored means of sampling music for the first time. In recent years the website has progressed to include an unparalleled array of videos, with everything from rare film outtakes to crash courses on organic chemistry. The breadth and variety of information available is so enormous, it would probably take a YouTube video explanation in order for it to be broken down and understood. Until that happens, take Your Mag’s word for it that there is more to YouTube than Charlie biting his brother’s finger. With all the website has to offer, you can quite easily use YouTube to change your life.

Did Somebody Say Makeover?

When people first set out to make a drastic change in their lives, appearance is often the first obstacle tackled. Whatever has spurred you toward improving yourself, you know that it would definitely help to look better the next time you encounter it. Think of YouTube as the eager best friend in movies who just happens to know everything and anything about hair, makeup, and fashion- and wants to help you overhaul all three. Even if you start out with little or no previous knowledge on makeup application, there are thousands of YouTubers who are willing to detail their favorite products and methods. You can be as specific as you want (how to do a smokey eye for people with small eyes) or start broad and let the website guide you (makeover to make my ex jealous). Whether you want to dye your hair at home or create the perfect outfit for a new persona, YouTube is patiently waiting to help.

Work It Out

Someone somewhere on YouTube once said “It’s what’s on the inside that counts.” Probably. While a topical makeover can be a powerful pick-me-up, getting in shape is a lasting lifestyle change. For the sake of your health and the sake of having Instagrammable abs, YouTube has a multitude of exercise videos. Before you roll your eyes, know that workout tapes have come a long way since the days of leg warmers and Richard Simmons. Serious weight-lifters can boost their gains with tips from professional bodybuilders while others can search for the proper running technique. One of the best finds for men and women alike is that of Jillian Michael’s workouts posted by BeFit channel. Usually around $10 for one set of DVDs, you can try the 30-Day Shred or Yoga Meltdown in high quality at no cost, as many times a week as you choose. You can trim and tone straight from your dorm room or apartment. Sweatbands and leggings are optional.

Redesign the Mind

According to the American Psychological Association, 47% of Americans are worried about the amount of stress in their lives. The same study also found that of those people, most don’t deal with their stress in healthy ways. Though there may not be a tutorial on how to make it through college- or any prolonged stretch of life- without encountering worry, YouTube is an unlikely but effective resource for dealing with it. If stress results in insomnia, anxiety, or depression and therefore hinders your sleep, try pressing play on a guided meditation the next time you hit the pillow. Kind people with uncommonly soothing voices have uploaded meditations for every type of debilitating mental ailment, from anxiety to obsessive thoughts. Finding the right video for you is easier and less expensive than popping a pill. If you live with roommates and fear being overheard, opt for headphones.